Mitsuya Bussan Co., Ltd.Mitsuya Auto Service

Vehicle Sales/Rental Cars

Mitsuya Auto Service
Carefully selected used cars

Our nationally certified mechanics carefully service the used cars we source through our own dedicated network that only a repair shop can provide.
Browse our extensive selection of quality used cars that are affordable and backed with peace of mind.
If you have a specific car you are looking for—we’ll find it at nationwide auctions!

Mitsuya Auto Service Carefully selected used cars

Mitsuya Auto Service Carefully selected used cars

Mitsuya Auto Service Carefully selected used cars

Mitsuya Auto Service Carefully selected used cars

Mitsuya Auto Service's carefully selected used cars are now listed on Goo Net!

Leave all the hassles of the registration process to us!

Whether it’s updating your address when moving or changing your name when transferring ownership, leave all the hassles of the registration process to Mitsuya Auto Service!
We will cover all the steps required registration.

Mitsuya Rental Car

Mitsuya Auto Service provides a wide range of rental cars.

Light vehicle
Light vehicle
Wagon R, Tanto, etc.
Passo, Vitz etc.
Atenza, etc.
HiAce Grand Cabin
HiAce Grand Cabin
(10 seater)

*Insurance fee is also included in the above price.


Business hours 8:30 - 17:00 Closed on Sundays and public holidays